Thursday, September 18, 2008

So much basil...

Our one little patch of basil just won't quit. After making a huge batch of pesto, which is now tucked away in the freezer, it was time to trim the basil again to keep it from flowering. The result: another HUGE amount of basil we couldn't eat in the next week.

The solution: Basil cubes in the freezer.

I washed, and trimmed the basil, then put it in the food processor and whirred away until I had pureed basil mush. Then, it went into ice cube trays and, once frozen, into a large Freezer bag. We ended up with 36 cubes to throw into soups, stews, and sauces throughout the winter. Each cube is about a tablespoon of summer flavor to get us through the winter until next year's planting.

Liam enjoyed helping. And tasting.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

bring on autumn

He finally fits in the snuggly suit I made him, and just in time... the cooler nights have left his toes cold in the morning. By the way, he now sleeps in his big boy crib downstairs every night, and is sleeping through the night at least several nights a week! Hurray!

Liam loves to pet the cats. Sometimes they love it, too.

He's starting to balance sitting up on his own now, 10 seconds or so at a time... Maybe once he masters it he won't want me to hold him all the time anymore.

Yeah for Fall... (well, almost) Here's to an early start on the cooler weather: bring out the hats, sweaters, and gourds!