Monday, May 11, 2009

in the garden

It seems that I have been spending every spare moment in the garden for the past few weeks, although you'd never know it from my blog. Oops. I'm going to make an effort to post more frequently. Especially since everything changes so quickly this time of year.

Yesteray, Gabriel finished moving the enormous pile of mulch in our front yard that we had delivered from the city. A full dump truck of it. It is now spread throughout the yard, and we both have the scratched forearms, sore backs, and dead patch of front lawn to prove it. But the yard looks fantastic, and the much will keep the weeds under better control.

So, here is what the yard looked like this morning:

Raised garden beds, all finally planted
Another raised bed, serving as the boundary for the chicken run.

The side garden.
The pond
So, that's the big picture. Today.
I'm going to try something new here and post a "plant of the day" everyday. It'll be fun to see how quickly things grow and to be reminded of what all is growing in my garden. And sometimes, what isn't really growing :-)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, your backyard is adorable. Sigh.

    I talked with Rochelle last night and she mentioned that you had done a layering technique in your raised beds. Could you tell me what you did? I need all the help I can get.

    Thank you! (and you do look darn *cute* in those bangs!)


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