Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friday -part 1-

Good morning. It is 7:00, and we have already been on the road for 6 hours. Yes, we left at 1:00 am so this little guy could sleep through a big portion of the 8 hour drive. He did. And then he ate this entire pear.
Breakfast at Perkins (kind of like Denny's or Carrow's).
I ordered a cup of coffee and they brought me an entire carafe. I was skeptical. It was only $1.99. But it was good. And I am picky. I wish I could have drank the whole thing...

Liam enjoyed the 1/2 & 1/2 containers while we waited for our food.
We arrived at the farm at 10:30. Just in time to catch Jim before he went into town. Janelle was still at school, so we went on a hike in the woods right there on the farm. It was beautiful.

We kept our eyes out for morel mushrooms, but it was probably a bit too late in the season. Although, even if there were some to be had, we could have walked right over them and never noticed with our untrained eyes. Too bad. We saw some at the Whole Foods in Kansas City. They sell for $49.99/lb!!!

Liam seemed a bit shell-shocked with all of the new things to take in. He was content to hang out in the backpack for a while.

Iowa is amazing this time of year. It was in the 70's the entire time we were there.
Some play time with Daddy.
And picture time.
Stop to smell the flowers.

And to smell the trees. That's our little tree hugger :-)
Flash, the farm dog, followed us on the entire hike.

1 comment:

  1. yay! you're back! can't wait to see you! Looks like it was a great trip :-)


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