In the afternoon, when Janelle came home from school, she and I took Liam into town. We stopped at the library, where they have a fantastic puppet selection, and then went to the park. Liam had a blast.
Driving the police car.

Going down the big slide together. It was a tad bit too intense.

But the swings were great.

And these tunnels were even better.

Perfect for playing peekaboo with Great Great Aunt Janelle :-)

And for throwing pebbles.

That evening, I bottle fed the calf.

Liam wanted to try the bottle, too.

But it was pretty slobbery.

Liam had fun inspecting the dirt.

And the rocks.

But the best part was the heavy machinery.
Here he is trying out the skid loader.

So many new things to see and do on the farm. They both like it. Alot.
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