Friday, August 5, 2011

it tastes like summer

In case the 100+degree days weren't sign enough, the last few trips to the farmer's market have announced loud and clear: this is summer.

And while I want to complain about the unrelenting temperature outside - it's 109 right now - I'd rather fixate on the summer produce. Beacuse it's not everyday that we get to eat a fresh-picked pint of blackberries.

We can't visit the market without a basket of berries to snack along the way. Not many make it home after these two boys take turns eating them right out of the basket.

River would gladly eat the entire container in one sitting. See those chubby cheeks? They're blackberry-stuffed-full.

And the summer fruit sampler would not be complete without peaches. They're a new favorite snack.

And since summer will be over before we know it, I bought an extra bag of blemishes and made Lord Grey's Peach Preserves from Bon Appetit's August 2011 issue: fresh peaches cooked down to jam with earl grey tea. It's delicious as it sounds.

1 comment:

  1. i wanna come over and eat earl grey peach jam. that DOES sound delicious


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