Monday, August 15, 2011

Dallas is for Ikea

A little over a week ago, Gabe and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary with an overnight trip to Dallas. This was our first night away from our children. Ever.

We had been planning to go somewhere overnight for our anniversary, and still hadn't decided where to go, when Brighthaven, the children's learning center where my mom is the assistant director, hired Gabe to build some furniture that would be perfect with some storage bins from Ikea. We happily volunteered to go to Dallas and buy 68 trofast storage tubs.

And that's why we ended up with this as our anniversary meal (can you guess which tray is mine?):

Ikea is super kid friendly, but Ikea without kids in tow is even better. We were free to sit on all the couches, open all the drawers, and imagine our home Swedish for as long as we wanted. It was a lot of fun.

We stayed at the Sheraton across the street from the Galleria, which was really nice except for when we were ready to shower in the morning and discovered that the shower knob was broken. We each took a bath instead, which sounds romantic, but it really wasn't. We took turns in the tub, laughing at the awkwardness of bathing in a small little bathtub and trying to remember the last time we took baths just to get clean. Other than that, the Sheraton gets two thumbs up.

More highlights from the weekend include breakfast at the Paradise Cafe, where Gabe had his morning oatmeal in a cookie bowl, and stopping for dinner at the Okie Restaurant in Muskogee, Oklahoma.

Liam and River had a fun Grammie-filled weekend while we were away, and, really, I think we missed the kids more than they missed us.

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