Wednesday, July 13, 2011

vote for me!!!

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by the social media coordinator at Midwest Living magazine, encouraging me to enter my Chicago trip in a giveaway for another trip to the Windy City.  It took me all of a half a second to be excited at the prospect of another trip, complete with a stay at the Trump towers and several meals of fine dining.

Needless to say, I entered.

The contest is hosted by Enjoy Illinois on facebook. I know, I have been anti-facebook in the past (still am...) but I went ahead and joined so I would be eligible for the vote (but you won't find me chatting it up on facebook).

To win, I need votes. Please, check out my entry, vote for me, and tell your friends.

Find my entry here.


  1. I think you can cast one vote per day! I know what I'm doing for the next couple weeks until you win!! Love you! You deserve this!


Getting comments from my readers totally makes my day! I'll do my best to reply here as well. If you are wanting to hear directly back from me, go ahead and drop my an e-mail and I'll get back to you.