Our last full day in California was Sarah and Brian's wedding day.
They were beautiful.
This was the first time I attended a wedding as a mother of two, and my boys made it tricky to enjoy the ceremony. We didn't worry about keeping Liam and River in their seats so much as containing them to the row where we were sitting. And River added some baby-babble commentary at the quiet moments. But it was special to witness the beginning of this new chapter in Sarah and Hannah's lives.
We never really got a chance to meet Brian, aside from who's-who introductions, but they seem happy together. And we're happy for them.
Liam was more than happy to help decorate their wedding getaway car. Once we told him it was okay to color on the car, there was no holding back.
And because a wedding is just the kind of occasion to make some matching brother outfits, I added bowties to the overalls I made a few weeks ago (they wore them Arkansas-style when we went blueberry picking a few weeks before).
He's going to hate this picture when he is thirteen, and I will continue to love it!
River was equally dashing in his wedding outfit. I still can't believe they kept their bowties on, but somehow it didn't bug them. Hurray!
And because they don't hold still, this is the closest thing I got to a picture of the two of them together. Always on the move.
We got back on the road to drive home extra early the following morning. We divided the long drive into two days for the trip home, and even though we were all tired and ready to be home, the boys traveled well.
I told myself that I had to finish these California-trip posts before the end of the month, and it seems I have just barely squeezed it in. Either way, it's finished, and I am ready to move on to everything else that's been going on around here.
Maybe tomorrow.
Sarah looked beautiful and happy! And I just have to say, I am so in love with those boys! I cannot get enough of them!