Monday, April 11, 2011

it's Monday

I am so glad that Monday usually comes with a morning visit from Crystal and her kiddos. And even when our kids are cranky, teething and wanting to be held the entire time (the babies), and bickering over toys (I'll let you guess on that one) getting together is still a highlight of our week.

Even when Liam is picking on Simone and she keeps telling him to stop chasing her, they're still friends. And they sure are cute together.

When they were getting ready to leave, Liam slipped and somehow managed to cut the corner of his nostril. After I cleaned up the blood and he seemed over the immediate pain, he would not let up about needing a bandaid. I told him it wouldn't work on his nose (and I am out of bandaids...). He was insistent, so I offered him a sticker (address label) instead, thinking he'd want it on his arm or his shirt.

He wanted the sticker. And he is still wearing it on his nose.

note to self: when he "needs a bandaid," freebie address labels are just as effective...


  1. YES!! I love that he is wearing it on his nose!! I thought you bought a whole first aid kit when we went camping??

  2. The first aid kit is in the car, and the car is in Rogers with Gabe...

    I need to buy more bandaids for the house.

  3. Tonight Liam asked Gabe, "Can we watch a movie?" Gabe, "No, not tonight," as he searches netflix. Gabe, "Wait! Toy Story 3 is on netflix? Watch instantly? Sit down, Liam. We are so watching this!" Hilarious!

  4. Classic! How was it? I've been wanting to see it.


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