Sometimes he is still that tiny baby, just born, wide-eyed in my arms and me wide-eyed with wonder at him. Other times, it feels like he has always been a part of our family. Imagining life before him almost seems more an act of imagaintion than one of remembering.
And in all of my wondering at who this little person was going to be, I could never have thought up this kid.
Every day is a new challenge. He is teaching me to expect the unexpected, to enjoy the small moments that make the awful ones worth it, and to just relax about all of the small stuff. Mess is never optional, it's just a given. And if it involves mud, even better.
And in those many moments throughout the day when I want to pull my hair out, imagining how his energy and passion for life will make him a creative, industrious, and exuberant person, I know it will all be okay.
In fact, it already is all okay. Mud, wet pants, and all.
I am so glad to have this little stinker in my life.
So I made him a skunk hat, and he loves it.
happy birthday Liam! There is no one like you! Those pics of him are hilarious and amazing, Dorth :-)