Monday, March 21, 2011

more party fun

Planning a party for a three year old is more about planning plenty of space for play, and not so much about planned games or activities. At least, that's how Liam's party went, and the kids all seemed to have fun.

The table in the living room had lots of homemade play dough with cookie cutters, rolling pins cut from a long dowel, and the all-important "sharp" butter knives.Throw in some punching balloons, and just let them play. It wasn't long before kids were circling the house on the scoot bike, going outside to see the chickens, and making good use of the toys.

But the best part of the day was spending time with loved ones. From favorite friends...
to favorite Tias and Tios.
Plenty of snuggles with Grammie, too. Mom, you look gorgeous!
Tia Molly and Tio Andres have been here since Thursday. They used their super circus muscles to stir together the play dough Friday night.We are loving having them here with us for 2 weeks!!! That's like a lifetime with this traveling duo. We are so glad to have them here. Thanks for all of your help, Sister.


  1. Oh I love that picture of us with our boys! So precious. And your mom DOES look gorgeous - so happy with her two grandsons :-)

  2. I am loving all the candid shots!
    Your camera is fabulous!


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