Wednesday, December 1, 2010

to the farm and back

We just got back from a lovely end-of-November trip to the farm in Iowa.

Even though the weather was not as cold as some previous years, we kept Liam bundled to explore outside, and I mostly stayed inside... but River made a few peeks outdoors.

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 I can't ever get enough of these wintery-fuzzy calves. 


Gabriel helped his Uncle Jim and cousin Jared swap out some old windows on the house.DSC_0312 

Much better. Much warmer.

There was plenty of time with cousins:

Liam and AmyDSC_0341

River and Colin 


Nothing speaks a boy's love language like a good tractor ride. 


Okay, girls like tractors, too.DSC_0394 

Both boys traveled the 8+ hours in the car like the seasoned-pros that they are.

 Of course, a special treat helps him bide the time...DSC_0440



Today we're working on unpacking and other post-trip necessities, including frequent melt-downs from both little guys.

It's good to be home.



River has been fussy, irritable, and gassy all day.

I could not figure out what was wrong with him until I went to give him another gluten-free teething biscuit we picked up at our Whole Foods stop in Kansas City yesterday.

They have milk in them.

Sometimes I make myself wonder...


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