Thursday, December 16, 2010

just throwing it out there

So, I've been busy: you know, Christmas stuff, crafting stuff, kid stuff, driving down to Ikea in Dallas (fun!!!)on Saturday kind of stuff. And I'm exhausted. ALL. THE. TIME. I didn't know I could be this tired for so many days in a row.

So, I'm behind on posting.


Here is a random assortment of pictures I want to post, but don't have the mental energy to form into anything cohesive. Enjoy.

Gabriel buzzed River's hair. The helmet was making his wispy curls get matted and gross so I finally relented. He likes his new 'do.DSC_0031 
He also likes kisses. He really likes them. He likes to grab my hair on either side of my face, and plant a big wet slobbery one right on my lips. He really gets into it. There's no question about this guy's love language...DSC_0032 
And he loves wearing his helmet. I take it off for one hour every evening so we can bathe him and clean the helmet (it starts smelling funky after only one day), but he gets really excited when he sees I am ready to put it back on him. DSC_0052 (2)
Liam has been spending a lot of time "scooping cow poop like Jim."

We bought Liam a new car seat because River outgrew his infant seat already. We chose this one. He likes it.

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And River likes his new-to-him seat, too.DSC_0008 (2) 
Last Saturday, Gabriel took Liam to Lowe's Build and Grow Workshop. They built a train car. DSC_0011 (2) 
Safety goggles: check.DSC_0013 
Gabriel's really brave putting his thumbs in harm's way like that...DSC_0019 
 Choochoo! DSC_0032 (2)


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