Liam is two years old.
And what better way to start off being two than throwing a major temper tantrum first thing in the morning?
It lasted for over an hour. Screaming. Kicking. Refusing to be consoled. All because I changed his wet diaper.
Yes, he is now 2.
The birthday breakfast: waffles, sliced strawberries, lots of whipped cream. He enjoyed it.
After his nap, he threw another temper tantrum. This one because he was just unhappy to be awake? Whatever the cause, it took him a good 45 minutes to get over it.
And then he went to get the chicken eggs.
We had a nice little crowd for dinner: Grammie and Auntie Linda, Tia Molly and her circus partner Rebecca, and then the three of us.
After dinner, he opened his package from Grandma and Grandpa Hall.

a tractor
Auntie Linda
Tia Molly
Mama and River

His package also had lots of craft supplies: paint, construction paper, a glue stick, jingle bells, pipe cleaners... Liam wanted to open them right away. He sure loves his crafting.
We wished him a happy birthday over blueberry cobbler.
And then he called it a night and snuggled up with Elmo for a good night's sleep.
Happy Birthday, Liam. I can't imagine life without you.
what a happy celebration! Liam is so loved! (sorry I missed the sat. morning party :-( love you.