Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Continuing the Celebration

Another birthday package showed up in the mail today. This one by way of Alabama from Ben, Carolyn, and Grace.

Liam was very excited to open up the box. He kept saying open, open, open.
Inside he found something extra special: Elmo books!
In general I'm not a fan of TV character-based children's stuff, but I make a definite exception for Sesame Street and Elmo (Liam breathes a sigh of relief). I appreciate the focus on learning, especially since the approaches to learning are so varied in the programs and come from all kinds of cultures and backgrounds. It really is educational in more ways than one.
All of that said, Liam adores Elmo, and this set of books is all about learning concepts such as shapes, colors, and even rhyming. It came with an audio track which includes all of the books. The really ironic thing is that the woman reading says my name (which also happens to be the same name as Elmo's pet goldfish...) just like Carolyn does: with that southern emphasis on the second "o" in Dorothy. It's as if the book is reminding us who gifted it...
Also included in Liam's birthday gift was a bag of Yummy Earth fruit worms. Liam could hardly wait to get into that bag!

Liam wasn't the only one to get in on the birthday fun. Included were a few gifts for me. And, yes, Ben, I still count them as birthday gifts, even if they are a bit late...
A travel mug (I can always use more of these...)
A nifty spoon rest which clips onto the side of the saucepan
A fancy knife which crinkle cuts veggies (I've really been wanting one of these)
Thank you, Ben , Carolyn, and Grace, for such thoughtful gifts!

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