Sunday, August 2, 2009

six years

Six years ago today, we promised to love each other forever. I'm so glad we did, even if it it seems crazy now that we were only 18 and 20.
Here we are, a year before we got married, on the junior/senior class trip to the Grand Canyon (yes, this is the entirety of both classes - very small school). We got in huge trouble for holding hands...

So much has changed since then. We've changed. But if anything, our love has grown stronger. More real. More lovely.

And what better way to celebrate our 6th than with the 6th Harry Potter? (It was fantastic, by the way).


  1. Happy anniversary! Such a naughty picture with all that hand holding. ;) Miss you guys!


  2. Congrats guys. Has it really been that long?!

  3. aw man, I love you guys! Such cute little teenagers :-)

  4. yay, happy 6 years! (holy smokes, 6 years really?) it kind of feel like it was longer than that... but at the same time the memories seem so fresh. i'm stealing this picture and putting it on facebook.


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