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from our very own internet connection *cheers and applause*Last week, Liam and went up to the farm in Iowa while Gabriel was gone on yet another business trip. It was a last minute decision, but it worked out for us to drop him off at the airport on the drive up, and we picked him up on the way back. This meant, though, that I'd be driving with Liam 8 hours in the daytime. It could have been very bad. But it wasn't. We stopped in Kansas City for about an hour, and then we stopped again just north of Des Moines. While we drove, Liam slept, looked at books, ate snacks, threw snacks all over the car, and watched out the window.
We arrived at the farm in the afternoon. Liam was eager to explore.

There were so many things to see and do.

This wagon was a big attraction for him. Every time we went outside, he'd head towards it. He went right up to the huge wheels and patted them affectionately.

He did not like the cows. Maybe next time.
Remember this itty bitty kitten from the spring?

We got to meet him again. This kitty's strong and friendly, thanks to Uncle Jim's special pampering.

Of course, no trip to the farm would be complete without a tractor ride.

Discovering the sand pile.

On Tuesday, Allison and Makenna came up for the day. It was fun to watch Liam and Makenna play together. We took them to the park in Aplington. Liam was cranky and just wanted to throw rocks. Makenna just wanted to eat them.

But they both enjoyed the swings.

And Liam tried a merry-go-round for the first time. He thought it was great, but it made me a little nervous as he walked close to the edge while it was spinning.

But Liam's absolute favorite part of the farm was all of the wind-blown apples beneath the apple trees. They weren't ripe yet, so they weren't good for eating. But Liam thought they were good for putting in and out of buckets and, even better, for throwing...

Nothing says "summer" in Iowa like fresh sweet corn. Liam was unsure about walking through the rows.

But piles of cobs are a different story. They're lots of fun to put in a wagon.

Helping Uncle Jim work on farm equipment.

Liam had a great time with his Uncle Jim. They walked around the farm together to give me and Janelle time to husk corn and prepare meals. Liam loved it.

He also helped Aunt Janelle feed the calves.

It was a great trip. A good break for me. Thanks, Jim and Janelle!
These pics are sooooo cute!