Thursday, July 30, 2009

If it gets him to eat some veggies...

Liam has been on a thorough and undiscriminating veggie strike for months now. Even the common kid-pleasers like potatoes, corn, and carrots earn a gag and a launch onto the floor. His diet is mainly consisting of bread, fruit, and cheese/yogurt. Maybe he'd rather live in France? I don't know, but I think I may have to check out Deceptively Delicious and work on incorporating pureed veggies into things he will eat.

In the meantime, he has another solution. If I let him help me cook, he gladly samples what we're making. Last night it was shredded zucchini (from the garden, of course).

But it sure made a mess...

Now if only he was as enthusiastic about the frittata we made with it...

1 comment:

  1. Deceptively Delicious is pretty good. I have a friend who used my copy and got her boy (who hates veggies) to eat lots of them without ever knowing it. Let me know if it works for Liam too.


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