Friday, July 3, 2009

I won!!!

I'm a bit of an online contest junkie... If I see a giveaway for something I'd like, I always enter. And now I've won the best thing yet: A Husqvarna sewing machine!!!

You can see the official announcement @

Thank you Sew Mama Sew.


  1. Awesome!! Of all the people to win that, you will use it well.

  2. congrats! i am so jealous. you better put it to some good use. ;)

  3. Congrats! What a great prize!

    I was reading your blog and it looks like your little one is about 17 hours older than mine! :) (But I went into labor about 12 hours after yours was born - sorry I can never resist a good birth story and yours is a doosie!)


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