Wednesday, January 11, 2012

little e

Everett Franklin was born at 3 am today, following 22 hours of torturous labor.

My sister is amazing. She had 2 epidurals for the pain. They didn't work. She pushed for over 2 hours, and then waited 2 more once they opted for a c-section and took their time making it happen. And she was still feeling the urge to push and every bit of the pain.

But then they brought this bundle of joy out of the OR and it all made sense: 10 lbs, 6 oz of healthy baby boy. There is no way he would have come out naturally from Linda's petite little 5' frame.

After going home for a few hours sleep, I brought the boys to meet their newest cousin. River was intrigued, but a bit uncertain when the baby started murmuring some complaints.

And Liam is just smitten. 

 We all are. Everett, welcome to the world.


  1. Well, he beat Grace! ;) Congratulations, Auntie, and we're so thankful he's here safely!

  2. Dorothy, what a sweet picture of you and the three boys :-) I miss you! Praying for all of you during this insane first month of newbornhood.


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