Thursday, May 5, 2011

it's official

We are trying to get out of here. Again.

This is old news to some, maybe a shock to others, and probably is causing a few of you to roll your eyes and think those Halls are always talking about moving. Well, this time it's for real.

Before Christmas, we caught the moving bug again, and spent a lot of time perusing job postings in California, Oregon, and Washington. Our search field was pretty simple: anywhere on the West Coast.

There weren't many options for someone with Gabriel's skill set: his degree is in Construction Management and work experience is with architecture. The more he looked at job descriptions, the more he realized that what he really wants to be is an architect. And for that, he needs to go back to school.

There are a number of schools that offer a Masters of Architecture program for those coming from a related field, and the University of Colorado at Denver seems to be the best fit for his background and his career goals. And since we have already missed the application deadline for this coming fall, the soonest he could enroll is fall 2012.

We are hoping that our house sells by the end of the summer so we can go ahead and move to Denver in order to establish residency and save a lot on tuition.

That's the plan.

The planning is the easy part. Now we are at the mercy of the market.

But if the details all line up perfectly, we may be saying Hello, Colorado very, very soon.


  1. Your house really does look cute. You have both done so much work to it. Even though I know you are ready to move, it will be hard to leave that house. Besides Colorado "seems" much closer. Love ya

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can hear Colorado calling our names!!! I can't wait!!

  4. Hi Dorothy! So fun to read about your life and see how beautiful your boys are! Well, I understand your "need" to move for so long. We too kept saying that (even though it was more just moving in San Diego county) but it finally happened, and now we are in Bend, OR. It's absolutely beautiful here and so much to do! I will pray for your house to get sold so you can be just a little closer to the Pacific coast. I do think you will enjoy Colorado! Blessings.... Mrs. Fayal :)


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