Friday, January 7, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.


I have been sick all week. Actually, sick since Christmas, but things have only been bad this week. Sore throat, congestion, coughing, fever, body aches: the works.

Gabriel came home at lunch time yesterday and today to help care for our boys so I could do a lot of nothing. I finally went to see a doctor this afternoon in hopes that I had something treatable.

The nurse came in, listened to me rattle off my symptoms, and asked if I had been exposed?

What do you mean, exposed?

To the flu?

Oh, well not that I know of, but I have been out in public, doesn't that count?

Apparently, it does. I tested postitive for the flu. That test, by the way, was the most awful thing I have ever endured in a doctor's office. I was totally not prepared to have two long swabs pushed deep through my nostrils into my sinuses. Awful.

To all of you I have seen in the past 7-10 days, you have been exposed. Deepest regrets.

And since I first fevered on Sunday, I'm at the tail end of it and wouldn't benefit from tamiflu. So, now I wait it out.

My boys are making me soup for dinner. Things could be worse.


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