I have two confessions to make:
1. I rarely (read almost never) hang our cloth diapers on the line to dry. That picture up there, I took it months ago. And I felt so accomplished then that I felt the urge to snap a picture to commemorate the event. I haven't line-dried a load of diapers since.
And since I don't line-dry our diapers, the PUL lining in the covers is starting to break down, cracking in places and completely disintegrating in others. Too much heat does that. And then they leak.
So now we are down to just a few covers that are still in good working order (and, yes, I am still running the remnant through the dryer), which leads me to my next confession:
2. I bought disposable diapers for River to wear on our St Louis trip since we didn't have enough covers to get him through 3 days without washing. And not only did I purchase disposables, I opted for the Target brand instead of the Seventh Generation ones we have used for other trips. They were half the price, and 'twas the season for penny pinching. And they had cute polka dots.
Today, I have served my penance.
At the doctor's office, River (wearing one of the aforementioned polka dot numbers...because I may as well use them up while they still fit...gah!) had the mother of all blow out diapers. While we were waiting for the doctor to come back with some adjustments on his helmet and the diaper bag waited on the backseat of the car.
After the appointment, I ran out and grabbed the diaper bag and went straight to the bathroom.
It was a mess. Completely up his back and running across his shoulders. And since he is still breastfeeding every 4 hours but is also eating three meals a day of table food, there were chunks. And it was stinky.
I wriggled him out of his soiled clothes, and mopped up what I could with the diaper.
Have I mentioned that I didn't have any wipes on hand?
Instead we used the paper towels dampened under the faucet, which were prone to disintegrating.
This clearly wasn't working, so I ended up sticking him in the bathroom sink and giving him a bath. After a pat down with more paper towels, he was clean and dry. I put another polka dot diaper on him, a spare change of clothes, and that was that.
In other news, the orthotist was impressed with River's head-growth. In the month-and-a-half since our first visit, River's head circumference has increased by nearly 3/8 inch. He even re-checked the measurement, saying that he has never seen a baby River's age with such rapid growth, which is why we are already seeing a lot of results. His head is obviously much rounder than before we started with his helmet. So, it's all good news.