Wednesday, November 17, 2010


That's our headline news following River's allergy testing this afternoon.

He showed no reaction to any of the common allergens, including casein (milk protein found in dairy products).

The doctor thinks River just has an intolerance for dairy and also gluten (more on that later).

This is mostly good news: He is more likely to outgrow an intolerance than if it were an actual allergy. It is still possible that he might always have problems digesting dairy, but the doctor thought that I should try some dairy again in the next couple of months to see if his maturing intestinal tract could handle it.

I feel like breathing a big huge sigh of relief, not just because there may be a light at the end of our dairy-free tunnel, but mostly because River may one day get to taste real cheese. Good cheese. Stinky cheese.

And that is one of life's pleasures worth living for.


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