Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tia Molly is amazing!
Liam and I just finished watching this news clip from my sister and Rebecca's holiday tour.
Liam kept saying, Whoa! Don't Fall Tia Molly! Of course, they didn't fall.
These two are as talented and amazing as ever. See for yourself.
That's our headline news following Liam's allergy testing yesterday afternoon.
After getting the results from River's allergy testing last week, I assumed that Liam wouldn't have a milk allergy either. He doesn't.
But he is allergic to a number of external allergens, including:
Surprised? So am I.
The good news is that the allergies don't appear severe enough to warrant finding new homes for our pets, but the doctor thinks this explains Liam's chronic night-time coughing. She suggested that we keep the animals from Liam's room, wash his hands well after he plays with them, and that we also give a daily antihistamine.
As far as milk goes, she did think that Liam also has a milk intolerance, and she recommended we eliminate milk from his diet for the next year.
So, these temporary diet changes we've been making are here to stay. At least for a little while.
-----Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
{this moment}
Inspired by Amanda.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
That's our headline news following River's allergy testing this afternoon.
He showed no reaction to any of the common allergens, including casein (milk protein found in dairy products).
The doctor thinks River just has an intolerance for dairy and also gluten (more on that later).
This is mostly good news: He is more likely to outgrow an intolerance than if it were an actual allergy. It is still possible that he might always have problems digesting dairy, but the doctor thought that I should try some dairy again in the next couple of months to see if his maturing intestinal tract could handle it.
I feel like breathing a big huge sigh of relief, not just because there may be a light at the end of our dairy-free tunnel, but mostly because River may one day get to taste real cheese. Good cheese. Stinky cheese.
And that is one of life's pleasures worth living for.
-----Tuesday, November 16, 2010
out with the old. in with the new.
On Saturday, I took River with me to go clean at Brighthaven and do the grocery shopping. Liam stayed home with Gabriel for a boy's favorite kind of day: deck demolition.
We first built our back deck the summer after we purchased our house nearly 7 years ago. We didn't know then that roller coaster lumber may not have been the best decking option. Yes, roller coaster wood, purchased from what used to be Hannah's Candle Factory Outlet in Tontitown. It has slowly been splintering, rotting, and sinking. It was time for a replacement.
Sunday afternoon
Okay, this is what it looked like this morning, but it was completely finished by Sunday afternoon. Go, Gabriel!
They ripped the old deck completely out, replaced some siding on the house, dug a new footing, burned the rotted lumber (Liam's favorite part of the weekend...), and purchased the new boards all on Saturday.
We're still lovin' our Element...
On Sunday, Gabriel finished the framing and decking. Liam helped. River and i just came out for a photo op. We brought the workers sandwiches for lunch, too.
We are loving the new deck. I am already bugging Gabe to make a picnic table before the weather gets too bad for enjoying meals in the backyard. Maybe this weekend...
-----Monday, November 15, 2010
feeding the fire
Look what Liam did with Daddy over the weekend. Let's just feed the pyromania, shall we?
Maybe tomorrow I'll find the time to post about why they had the bonfire...
I've been working on a post about time management. Obviously, that hasn't happened just yet.
-----Friday, November 12, 2010
plagiocephaly, or lop-sided baby head
He measured the distance between the front right corner of River's head to the back left corner, and then compared that with the measurement between the front left corner and back right corner (as if you were to draw an X above his head). The difference was 11mm, and they usually recommend treatment for any kiddo with a difference greater than 6 mm.
The good news is that the cranial shaping bands (aka helmets) are effective up until about 15 months when the skull plates fuse together, and he'll be wearing the device through the winter rather than the hot summer months.
The bad new is that he has to wear it 23 hours a day (just removing it for bathing and to clean the helmet) for 3 to 4 months.
The extra bad news is that our insurance company absolutely, without excpetion, beyond the scope of appeals, does not cover such a thing.
Despite what the insurance company believes, this is not just a cosmetic issue. Plagiocephaly can cause developmental problems. Our doctor thinks we need to do something about it. The orthotics specialist agrees. Let's just add another $1,500 to our growing list of monthly medical payments...
We're going back Nov 23rd for a fitting. Basically, they are going to create a digital map of his skull with lasers (the same idea behind green-screen technology in the movies...), and then they'll make his helmet within the next week.
I asked about the chemical components of the outer shell on the helmet (the inside is a kind of foam), particularly if there is any bpa involved. The specialist had absolutley no idea what I was talking about. What's bpa? Really? So I educated him, and he said he'd look into it, and that I get a gold star on my forehead. I guess I really don't want to know either way, since there isn't much I can do about it at this point.
They do have fun pattern options, and I am already brainstorming a handknit helmet cover for the cold weather.
In the meantime, I'm keeping his head warm with the hat I knit him earlier in the fall. You can read more about it here, where I entered it in a handknit baby hat contest.

And because he seems to be the king of weird medical issues, I also had to take him the pediatrician yesterday because he was on day 3 of a persistent nose bleed that seemed to be worsening. Talk about alarming: imagine turning around to see your baby's upper lip covered in blood every hour or so...
The doctor said his nostril was very red and irritated, likely from the change in weather combined with the sniffles we've all been passing around.
I was sent home with a shopping list for vaseline and neosenephrine to try and getting the bleeding to stop and allow his nasal lining to heal.
It's much better today. Only one nosebleed when he first woke up this morning, and none since.
Next Wednesday he is scheduled for allergy testing (and the same for Liam the following week). We're cramming in all of these medical things the insurance company will actually cover before the end of the year when our deductible rolls back to $2,000.
So here's the deal, River, if you must have more medical glitches, let's get them all worked out by December 31st. Okay?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
random pictures and scattered thoughts
Okay, I have been putting off posting because I couldn't come up with some neat and tidy thoughts/pictures. And because I ended up still sick for the past week. And because time has been a sneaky fellow lately. So, here it all is.
After a day of feeling fantastic and energized after recovering from the stomach bug last week, a yucky head cold took its place. I think I may have caught it from Molly in Orlando via the phone... Maybe.
Liam caught it, too. We have been enjoying lots of tea and toast snacks.
It is finally starting to feel like fall. Bring on the sweaters and the hats!
And don't forget the warm boots.
Taking a bath after a dip in the mud...
Some Daddy-love
I am probably the last person to find out about this, but Pandora is amazing. Free music tailored to whatver you like. Amazing. We have been typing in Elizabeth Mitchell based on SouleMama's recommendation. I love this kind of folksy children's music.
River's orthotics appointment is tomorrow to see about getting him one of those corrective helmets. I'm not worried about the visit, but I really have no idea what to expect.
We are now locking Liam into his room at night since Gabriel came downstairs Sunday morning to find Liam with the woodstove open, lighting sticks and candles... Liam's not so thrilled with this new arrangement.
I think that's enough rambling for now. Some more cohesive posts to come.
-----Friday, November 5, 2010
halloween weekend
We went to the special Halloween storytime at the Siloam library. Liam was very excited to wear his tiger costume (Thanks, Tia Molly), to see all of the kids in costume, to sing pumpkin songs, to hear a spooky story, and most exciting of all, to get some candy.
Both boys were still taking their afternoon nap when the annual Downtown Trick or Treat began. I decided that if one of them were to wake up, I'd wake the other so we could walk down. When River woke up about 30 minutes later, I woke a still sleepy Liam, dressed him in his costume, plunked him in the wagon, and headed downtown.
He didn't seem to mind, especially since he got some candy to munch on. Make that a lot of candy...
Time for the pumpkin patch. Barely, since there weren't many left to choose from at Ranalli Farms in Tontitown. Apparently, the day before Halloween is not the best time to try and find a pumpkin. Gabriel gave me lots of I-told-you-so's.
Despite the slim pickings, we still had fun traipsing around and choosing a pumpkin. We told Liam he could choose any one he wanted, and we ended up with a 50 cent gourd (and later a big Jack-O-Lantern from Wal-Mart).
River liked the pumpkin stems the best.
Gabriel showed off his juggling skills.
Another attempt at a family photo. Where's Liam? NOT participating no matter how much we pleaded.
After church in the morning, it was time to carve our pumpkin faces. Liam was very very very excited about this.
Gabriel was, too. I told you if you made a goofy face I'd post the picture...
At first, Liam wasn't so sure about the slimey innards, but he got over it.
River enjoyed his own piece of pumpkin.
After the pumpkin carving, we decided completely last minute to drive out to Tulsa for the zoo's Halloween festivities.
We made it in time for an hour or so at the zoo before they closed the park in preparation for HallowZOOeen later in the evening.
Liam was happy to show Gabriel around the zoo. We made all of the favorite stops, including a ride on the train.
The big fish are always a hit.
Our little gnome likes them, too.
Some animals we usually don't get a chance to see were out and about this time. The rhinos were up nice and close.
And so was the jaguar.
And then he noticed River in the wagon. This is the you-look-like-a-tasty-snack face. Scary!
The snow leopard cub wanted to play. Cute cute cute.
After a quick ride on the turtle, we left the zoo for dinner at Whole Foods and returned a while later for HallowZOOeen.
Since the Ergo baby carrier was mistakenly left at home, I needed to come up with some other way to carry River around once he fell asleep. I improvised with my favorite handknit shawl, and it worked wonderfully.
There were trick or treating stations throughout the zoo. Liam thought it was great: riding in the wagon, holding up his basket, and getting even more candy, which he steadily ate for the entire two hours we were at the zoo.
This bean bag game was also a lot of fun for him.
By the time the evening was over, we had one sleepy little tiger, and a sound asleep little gnome.
When we finally got home, our pumpkins were waiting to greet us.
I hope your Halloween was as fun-filled as ours.
Now, if only I could get Liam to stop requesting more candy 10 times a day...