Friday, July 9, 2010

Rainy Summer Days

The last few day here have been rainy and cool. In my California days, I never would have called mid-80's cool... oh, what a little perspective will do.

Yesterday, Liam looked longingly out the front window, watching the rain.

Liam play outside in the rain, Mama?

So that's what we did. I stayed under the cover of the front porch with River while Liam splashed and skipped through the rain and puddles.
And what makes playing in the rain even more fun? A bike, of course.
And to make Liam's morning perfect, the city truck came by to haul away our branches waiting by the street. This was unbelievably exciting.
The simple joy of trucks
And look at what a chub this guy is turning into.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I miss the rain. Your boys look great!!!


    PS-Are you going to sing the praises of your Ergo carrier? I'm thinking of getting one.


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