Friday, June 18, 2010

Brad Pitt?

While holding River the other day, Crystal said,

You know, River kind of looks like Brad Pitt.

I kind of think I maybe can see it if I really use my imagination.

But the person he is looking more and more like is himself. I don't think I have ever seen a cuter River James.

And just for fun, here is Liam at 7 weeks.


  1. It happens so fast...they lose the newborn look and become their own little people! He is a cutie!


  2. Not to challenge my wife, but...I'm not sure I see it! He IS one handsome dude, though :)

  3. you guys don't see it? I bet that's exactly what Mr. Pitt looked like as a baby. It's in the eyes and the mouth.


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