It was quite an adventure, but we had a great day. Let's just say Crystal and I were definitely outnumbered by our little people.
We brought the double jogging stroller, the Ergo carrier, and Crystal's Bjorn.
Liam and Simone rode in the stroller.

This post is part of Suzannah's ShoutLaughLove blog carnival over at So Much Shouting So Much Laughter.
Throughout the summer, there is live folk music at the park in downtown Siloam Springs on the second Saturday of each month. Last summer, I realized that listening to this folksy music on a hot humid night and swatting away the bugs, all the while reclining on a blanket, has made me appreciate living in Arkansas a teensy bit more. Rejoicing in these little things that have made Arkansans happy for generations somehow makes me feel more connected to this place. So, yesterday evening we walked down to enjoy the festivities.
River particularly liked the music, and he was grooving to the rhythms. Feast your eyes on some River dancing:
Liam enjoyed the music, too, but he especially liked making friends and mooching some of their food. They were kind enough to share their bananas.