Saturday, May 1, 2010

from market to garden

This morning, we went to the Farmer's Market in Fayetteville and came home with tomato seedlings for our garden.

This has become our Mother's Day tradition, and this year we ended up with a cherry tomato, 2 heirloom beefsteaks, 2 paste tomatoes, and a yellow pear tomato. We're hoping for enough tomatoes to enjoy over the summer and a surplus to can for later in the year.

Liam helped Gabriel plant them in the garden, sprinkling the surrounding area with marigold seeds, and rounding out the bed with some cantoulopes to vine in and among the other plants.
Our early spring plantings are really starting to take off, and most of the greens are ready for us to start thinning/eating them.

Mustard Greens and Garlic
We also set up two new rain barrels. This collects rainwater off of the shed, and the other one is back in our pond garden to collect rainwater off of the side of the house.
The black raspberry vines we brought back from the farm in Iowa last spring are really taking off now. We're hoping for lots of berries later in the summer...
River enjoyed the afternoon under the shade of the mulberry tree.


  1. Yay for home grown vegetables and fruit!! You are amazing sister!... I love that picture of River. Somehow, I think he looks like an Eskimo child wrapped in that brown bear fur... :)

  2. how do you get the "reply to comment" function? i'd like to install that.


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