I haven't been good about blogging lately. Between the general exhaustion of growing a baby (while chasing around a toddler who
does not like me to be on the computer) and a keyboard that only types some of the letters sometimes with no rhyme or reason (making the simplest of sentences time consuming and frustrating) blogging just hasn't been much of a priority.
Liam has been really interested in arts and crafts lately, much of that having to do with his new craft table I found in a dumpster.
Yes, in a dumpster.
I painted the top with chalkboard paint, and we keep sidewalk chalk (perfect for toddler hands and
slightly less breakable) in the cupboard on top.
Liam loves having a table just his size.

Sage spent the day with us last Thursday. He and Liam painted hand-turkeys together. It was a big mess and big fun. Thank you, washable acrylics...

Sage was not thrilled with wearing the smock. But once we got it on, he was happy with the paint.
The table is also good for playdough (homemade, of course). Liam had a lot of fun making a spiny caterpillar with toothpicks.

He is a lot to keep up with, but we are settling into a balance of somewhat structured activities with lots of time in the rocking chair with a good book or two or three. And he has been doing great entertaining himself with duplos and puzzles.
Hi Dorothy! I can totally relate to that exhaustion you're feeling. Grace certainly keeps me on my toes, even when that ol' morning sickness makes me just want to lie down. :-) Anyway, I think you're doing a great job of finding engaging activities for Liam! Another thing Grace enjoys is water play - extra time in the bathtub or just a pan of water on the kitchen floor. Take care!