I didn't intend for it to take me so long to get these posts up... this past week has been busy with after-trip clean up and recovery. We finally had the window on our Element replaced last Monday, and I've been struggling with morning sickness and a very busy toddler. So, picking up where I left off: Sunday morning we went to the San Diego Zoo just the three of us. Liam had a fun time looking at all of the animals, all the while with his "serious observer" face.
He still loves the flamingos.

He really liked the chimps

But I think this monkey will always be Liam's favorite.

It was great to see the new elephant exhibit: it emphasized archeology and fossils, since elephants are a kind of living history... Liam particularly liked all of the extinct creature sculptures.
Here he is with a mammoth.

Like I said, serious observer.

It was fun to see the lions up close in their new exhibit.
We were warned.

Liam wasn't sure what to think about these big cats.

His favorite part of the day was when we let him run around the children's zoo. These hanging banners were a lot of fun.

Watching ducks with Daddy.

This rock was especially enticing.
Just the right height for our little climber to go up.

And then slide back down.

Looking for otters.

There's one!

Later that afternoon, we went with Gabriel's family to Coronado beach. This was Liam's first time to really get out there and play. He had a blast.
Learning what to do with sand.
Notice how his beach ensemble dwindles. Above is his original outfit: swim trunks and sun hat.The hat didn't last long.But that sand! He loved it. A lot.

Discovering sea weed. After touching it, he dusted off his hands and said "eew."

Lots of digging.

More digging with Hannah.

Digging with Daddy.
And now he's lost his swim trunks, too.
The beach is the best in just a diaper...
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