Tuesday, June 23, 2009

we're back

For our first ever family vacation, where the destination was not the home of family or friends, we flew down to New Orleans for the weekend. (Technically, this was a business trip for Gabriel, but Liam and I tagged along. The business part only lasted about 4 hours and the rest of the trip was at our leisure. How great is that?)

We have a lot of pictures and stories to share, but first the most pressing issue: how to fly with an often-grouchy 15 month old (who also happened to be cutting in his first molars...).

Step 1.

Zip around the airport in style. We made a t-strap to attach his car seat to our rolling-suitcase, and it worked great. Liam thought it was a lot of fun, and it allowed us to have the car seat handy if there was room on the flight (which is how it worked out for 2 of the 4 total flights).

Step 2.

Allow the pacifier whenever he wants it. Translate: all the time. A few favorite toys are good to bring along, but even better are the flight safety cards and empty drink cups.

Step 3.

Keep the blanket handy at all times.

Step 4.

Snacks. Snacks. More snacks.

Step 5.
When it comes to flying, Daddy just doesn't cut it. Liam sat by me on all of the flights except our final connection from Houston on the way home. This picture was taken just before takeoff, when Liam decided to have a MAJOR meltdown. There was lots of screaming. Lots of tears. Until we were finally in flight and Liam could safely be transferred across the aisle into my arms. He instantly laid his had on my shoulder and fell asleep for the remainder of the flight.
Lessons learned.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, his hair is growing in so much! So cute! And I feel your pain. We've flown with Jonathan soooo much in his life! But you did it, yay!


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