So now we are officially
those people. You know, the ones with the chickens in their backyard. Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds, Cherry Eggers, and Red Sex Links (yes, it sounds a bit kinky, but it only means they are guaranteed to be female). We got two of each, which means we brought home 10 of them last weekend. From experience, we know that chicks have a somewhat high mortality rate. Somtimes they just die without explanation. Other times, the dog eats them and leaves the head on my bed. Those things happen. Also, not all of the varieties are guaranteed to be pullets (apparently, that's chicken-speak for female), so we anticipate at least one or two males in the mix. When it's all said and done, we hope to end up with 6 chickens or so.
I'm pretty excited about all of the eggs we'll soon be getting, in addition to the manure for the garden along with the bug control factor.
I've been mentally preparing myself for the possibility that we may eat some of our chickens. Theoretically, I'm okay with it (assuming it is already plucked and headless). I have been purchasing whole chickens from Ozark Natural Foods to cut up and cook for dinner, and have intentionally been envisioning said chicken alive, clucking, and living a happy life before he came to my house. They come from Little Portions Monastery, a Franciscan monastery in nearby Berryville, AR. So, they are Catholic chickens, which makes me really happy.
Until that day comes, we've been busy caring for these demanding little peepers. Take a look at the cuteness:

I'd be happy to take name suggestions...
Oooh! I love it.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting until they're big enough so I can reliably tell them apart, and so I have a better idea of their personalities, too.
So any great possibilities: fennel, marjoram (margie for short), lovage (aka Lovey). This could get interesting.