Monday, March 2, 2009

Shed update

Despite the freezing temperature and the snow continuing to fall, Gabriel still got a lot done on the shed over the weekend. He had planned to attach the shingles, but seeing the thick layer of the snow on the roof, he opted to do the electrical instead.
Here he is, digging a trench to run power out to the shed. Keep in mind, it's not even 20 degrees...

I ended up still being really sick on Saturday and Sunday, and needed help with Mr. Cranky. He bundled Liam up and set up a blanket on the shed for him to play on so I could take a nap. I came out later to find Liam happily playing with a box of nails. Yes, nails! Aah! Gabriel was watching him, of course, but still says he doen't see the harm in it. They're only nails. But even with these interruptions, Gabriel still managed to get the electrical all hooked up, complete with power outlets and interior lights. In addition, the shed now sports a door and interior shelving (more pictures soon, I promise).


  1. Man, Gabe is die hard! You can tell that building is something he likes, otherwise snow and 20 degrees would be perfect excuses to stay inside. That box of nails story is pretty funny - maybe it's a boy thing - doing something dangerous and somehow escaping the danger.
    Feel better, dear Dorothy!

  2. Fun story! I had to grin over the playing with nails part. You sound like my husband and I am more like your husband. When I would change my kids diapers they would often hold the pins for me which Ken thought was not to safe. I would reply "They're being careful". That is Ken's phrase now whenever he finds them doing something he considers unsafe (with me around) "I suppose they are being careful."


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