Sunday, February 8, 2009

I won again!

I must be in the middle of a winning streak here:

A few weeks ago I entered probably around 100 different giveaways during the bloggy giveaway carnival, and I just found out that I won one of them!!!

Here's what we're getting:

A Bumkins size medium "Chunky Monkey" diaper cover .

And a Bumkins "Chunky Monkey" waterproof Dirty Duds bag.

I was just thinking recently that Liam could really use another diaper cover...and he wears a size medium...

And I was also contemplating getting a new wet bag for the diaper bag.

And now I'm getting both. This is unbelievably exciting and a much needed pick-me-up.

Thank you, Delectible Mommies, for the awesome giveaway!

1 comment:

Getting comments from my readers totally makes my day! I'll do my best to reply here as well. If you are wanting to hear directly back from me, go ahead and drop my an e-mail and I'll get back to you.