Happy 50th birthday, Papa!
After the beach we went out for lunch at Jalisco's, a yummy Mexican restaurant. The moment we walked in the door, Liam projectile vomited all over himself, Molly, and straight onto the floor next to some poor diner's table... It was very gross.
Regardless, we had a nice lunch, then it was back to the Halls to pack up and leave.
We left San Diego at 5 that night, and made it just past Flagstaff before we stopped for the night.
A word on driving across the country with a nine month old: just don't do it if you can avoid it! But if you must,driving while he sleeps is the only way to do it. On the trip out we drove straight through the night. 27 hours, non-stop! Yes, it's crazy, but it was the only way we could get there without enduring screaming.
We finally made it home at 3 am Sunday morning. Arkansas had never looked so good...
On the road again...
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