Thursday, July 31, 2008

from the garden

Here are just a few of the things we've been harvesting from our garden. You know a lot is growing when it becomes a chore to have to go outside to pick it!
Lettuce and Strawberries

Elephant Garlic

Yellow Bush Beans
What's growing now:
LOTS and LOTS of cherry tomatoes (3 cheers for the mexico midgets...)
The beefsteak and paste tomatoes are just starting to ripen. I had a slice of one on my egg sandwich this morning. Definitely worth the wait!
We have a 6'x6' bed of sweet potatoes in fulls wing, but we won't harvest them until the fall.
A row of peanut sprouts (to harvest in the fall...homemade peanut butter). This is Gabe's baby.
Jalapenos, habaneros, cherry peppers, and cayenne peppers. Salsa anyone?

A huge head of red cabbage
Basil, basil, basil
2 baby watermelons
Gourds (both the bottleneck and easter egg varieties I've grown in the past...they came up as volunteers)
Coming soon:
Mustard Greens
Collard Greens
Acorn Squash
What I really need to get outside and plant, but have been ignoring because of the heat and mosquitoes:
Another pumpkin (the vine I had going died from the heat and lack of water...)

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