Saturday, March 24, 2012

in the sunshine and soil

Today is warm. In the 70's with the sun shining and birds chirping. We spent the better part of the afternoon outside, weeding in the yard, dividing perennials, and trellising climbing roses. We means me and Gabriel.

Our boys both took an extra long nap. Must be the double-whammy viruses (Liam has hand, foot, and mouth now, too). Gabe and I have been taking emergen-c multiple times a day, and hoping/praying/wishing/crossing our fingers that we don't come down with either of the illnesses. So far so good.

We weren't the only ones out and about in the yard. The chickens have been extra happy, laying every day again.

And our neighborhood watchman has seemed especially happy with his job lately.

Liam woke up feverish and asking to help plant seeds. So we did.

We planted the seeds in some egg cartons we've stored in the laundry room since before we had chickens, stockpiling them for the future eggs. We didn't realize then that we didn't really need them. A wire bowl on the counter is lovely. And so the cartons finally have a use. I bought some disposable lidded cake pans from Wal-Mart, which work perfectly for two cartons. Until they germinate, the lids will work as mini greenhouses. And I won't throw them away when I am ready to transplant the seedlings to the garden. They'll go back on the shelf until I am ready to start some seeds again.

We started 13 different kinds of seeds:
  • San Marzano tomatoes
  • Dark Opal basil
  • Sweet basil
  • Black Seeded Simpson lettuce
  • Buttercrunch lettuce
  • Paris Island Romaine lettuce
  • Italian parsley
  • Garden cress
  • Slow-bolt cilantro
  • Broccoli
  • Chives
  • Dill
  • Jalapenos

I labeled the pans with masking tape markers. And, yes, I now wear glasses. It turns out I can see a lot better with them. It kind of stinks that I always wear glasses now, but so does not seeing very well. So, glasses it is.

Friday, March 23, 2012

And this is what we did today...

It may feel like spring, but that hasn't stopped sickness from spreading.

Liam has a confirmed case of the flu. River has it too, along with a nasty case of "hand, foot, and mouth disease". And his ears are draining again.

And that's how we found ourselves in wal-mart, eating popsicles, waiting for Tamiflu.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

the winter that wasn't is over

Spring is officially here, even if it has seemed like it has been here all winter. I am not complaining about the mild weather, and I am definitely not complaining about the early appearance of blossoms in my yard.

A little bit of color goes a long way, especially when I am feeling wrapped in gray.

In a surge of energy just before Christmas, I ripped out all of the grass from one side of our front yard and planted it with perennials, shrubs, and lots and lots of bulbs. Gabe was out of town on business, and I stopped at Lowe's for some Christmasey things, only to leave with two cart loads of clearanced plants. He thought I was crazy when he came home and saw our muddy yard. I thought I was crazy with the ache in my back from digging out all that grass, especially when I wasn't sure how much of it would come back up this spring.

Let's just say I am not disappointed:

And the spinach I seeded in the fall found its way onto my dinner plate tonight. I need to invest more in this fall planting strategy. It makes spring all the more exciting.

But nothing is as fun as a spring rain puddle:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

another birthday zoo trip

So, I think I've been depressed.

Really, this isn't much of a realization so much as it is just an acknowledgment of the way things have been. Life has been tough. Lots of worries and anguish in the ongoing family drama. Wondering how to convince a sibling that life is worth living. My world weighs heavy.

But even in all of the bad, there is still plenty of good. And things are looking brighter. Even if it is only little glimpses, there is still plenty to hope for. Plenty of reasons to celebrate this life.


Yesterday, we went to the Tulsa Zoo for Liam's upcoming birthday, and we had a great day.

Uncle FoFo came along.

So did Grammie and Auntie Linda.

We saw the new seal exhibit.

But the highlight of the day was the special bounce-house section. At first, I cringed at the $5/kid price tag. But Grammie insisted, and I am so glad she did. Watching the boys bounce was as much fun for us as it was for them.

Just look at Liam's hair!
He is growing it long like on Tangled, which means he wants hair like Rapunzel's, and says when it gets really long, he'll give River rides on it.

River was a bit timid at first, but it didn't take long for him get climbing.

Because all of that climbing meant lots of sliding.


It was a lot of fun.

These two. They lift my heart.