Thursday, October 27, 2011

while Forest was here

:: at the Tulsa Zoo ::

River persuaded Uncle FoFo to walk his favorite way.

We took a ride on the train.

Liam took a (very short) ride on Auntie Linda's back.

:: Lunch at Elote ::

Sharing some tunes with their meal.

:: at Lokomotion ::

So many flashing lights! And music! And games! And tickets!

First game of miniature golf. He hammered that ball, literally.

Liam keeps asking when Uncle FoFo is going to come back for another visit, and River was grinning at these pictures while I was working on uploading them this afternoon. My boys love their Uncle. I love him too, even if he is so very much a teenager right now.

He is still our FoFo. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

sometimes felt happens

Trying to focus on the 7 loads of laundry that Gabriel washed, dried, folded, and put away while I was gone this morning.

And trying not to cry over my favorite hat, handknit from gorgeous alpaca yarn. The yarn I found in the French Quarter on our New Orleans trip several years ago. The hat that is reduced to less than half it's wearable size. Sniff.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

whirlwind weeks

Yep, I am still here. Our days have been going by at a crazy pace, even though I haven't recorded any of it here. And the spare moments have not motivated me to blog about it all. Sorry, Crystal.

In the past few weeks:
  •  Forest was here for a week. We went to Tulsa and the zoo, ate at Steak n' Shake, and went to Locomotion for some mini golf and go-carts (I hate go-carts, but I love my brother). Lots of pictures to share...
  • We went to Little Rock for River's post-op follow-up with the urologist. The entire appointment lasted only a matter of minutes. The surgeon asked about recovery while I undressed River, gave him a quick look, and said we would not need any further visits unless another complication came up (none are expected). And since Gabe took the day off from work to drive all the way to Little Rock, we made a day of it and rode the trolley downtown, played on the most amazing playground near the River Market, had some lunch, and the kids slept nearly the entire drive home. It was a great day.
  • I have been working Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the past 2 weeks. And that's the main reason I haven't been blogging. Brighthaven, the childcare and pre-school where my mom is the assistant director, abruptly lost their kitchen manager and needed some help until they can fill the position. The boys get to come along and spend the day at the center with their respective age groups. This arrangement is fantastic for Liam . He loves going to school, and everytime I see him, he has a huge grin on his face. When I deliver the meals to his class, he proudly announces That's my mom, and all of the kids beam at me like I am a celebrity or something. River, on the other hand, tolerates the day. His teacher is perfect for him: sweet, mild-mannered, and very nurturing. He loves her. And he enjoys playing with the plastic noise-making toys. But, he misses me and I always have to get someone else to deliver the meals or slide the cart through the door like a phantom so he doesn't see me. It's hard to watch someone else comfort my baby. But it's not likely to last much longer. And in the meantime, we aren't complaining about the extra paycheck...
  • Last night was the first hard freeze of the season. Down into the 20's. I picked all of the basil and green tomatoes, and now I have to figure out what to do with it all. I already have too many jars of pesto in my freezer. And my fig tree is covered in the first-ever fruits that have yet to ripen. I'm afraid they may be  a lost cause for the year, despite the protective sheets Gabe and I wrapped around the plant.  

  • Notice the suspiciously iphone-esque picture of my fig tree? That's because I finally got one, and I love it. The technology is amazing (it's a 4s and I am a very lucky girl). I had to promise a portion of my monthly bib-sewing income to cover the data package, but it is totally worth it.
  • And River has an appointment with yet another specialist. This time, we are going to see an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor at Children's in Little Rock since he has a number of other medical issues, he is already an established patient on their campus, and we have met the maximum out-of-pocket expenses for the year. This will all be on the insurance company's tab, thank you very much. At least until Janury. But in the meantime, we are hoping to figure out what is ging on with his chronic ear infections (he's got another double whammy right now and is just miserable), and we are hoping that might explain why he still isn't really talking.
I think that's all the updates for now. I will try to do better about posting more regularly. I've got a ton of pictures languishing on my hard drive, and a bunch that I have yet to transfer from my camera. And I still have managed plenty of sewing, gardening, and woodworking. And Gabe has been hard at work finishing up a deck rail that, of course, turned into a much larger project and a fort for the boys besides. Like I said, we've been busy.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

there's a baby in there

That's right. Auntie Linda is having a baby. A boy baby. A little cousin around New Years.
We can hardly wait to meet him.

Friday, October 7, 2011

these boys love their ladies

Earlier in the summer, pink lilies popped up all over town. Along sidewalks, in alleys, scattered throughout neighborhood yards. These are often called surprise lilies since it's always a surprise when they emerge from the soil.

But they also have another name: naked ladies, referring to their leaf-less stem and base. That's what Gabe's Great Grandma Dotha called them, and that's what I told Liam to call them, too.

We went on plenty of walks, finding those naked ladies everywhere. Now, whenever he sees a lily, he calls it a lady.

He is especially taken with the water ladies in our pond. So taken that he picks every bloom the minute it opens. We're still working on our flower etiquette. 

He picked one each for him and River a few days ago, and next thing I knew, they were posing for portraits with their ladies.

A little strange? Yes. but I was not going to pass up them actually hamming it up for the camera. And I didn't even get upset when he ended up in the basil patch. Click.

There was still plenty of silliness. The ladies are great for brotherly love pats.
Liam was feeling extra lovey and gave River a hug, who thought he was getting a kiss...

But most of the loving was given to the flowers. They're saying ahhhh while snuggling their flowers.

More flowery hugs.

What can I say. He just loves his ladies.